My top 5 urban spaces

What makes a great urban space? Vitality, activity, scenery, history, car prohibited areas, architecture…  It's somewhere you want to be because you don't feel too insignificant in your surrounds. You want to linger there, exploring cozy nooks and taking in the sights, smells and sounds.

Window joinery options

When it comes to window joinery you might think the only big decision to be made is around somehow matching the colour to both your cladding AND your interior walls. WRONG.

Other frame types such as uPVC and timber typically outperform aluminium thermally, while there are also many options in glazing -  clear or tinted, low-e, and gas infill - which all alter the thermal performance of the windows.

Lets have a look at some of the options available and the pros and cons of each.

The value of architecture

Architectural design is about juggling many diverse building factors that can make or break the end product… Given that design costs are just a fraction of what you spend on building materials and labour it is always worth investing in the experience and expertise your designer brings to the table. 

Bungalow dollhouse

For Christmas I made my 2 year old daughter a dolls house. Not just any old dolls house, mind you. My designer brain had to create something in an architectural style! I chose the classic bungalow so prevalent throughout New Zealand!

My Top 10 Buildings

This list is limited to buildings that I've experience inside and out, not just based on the exterior, and since most of my travel has been concentrated in Europe that's where most of the buildings are located! 

Why I chose architecture - The first sparks

I was the youngest of 5, my nearest sibling being 8 years older. In some ways I was an only child needing to entertain myself and make my own fun. This involved City Lego predominately - including trains which I loved! When I look back now I realise I had more fun spending ages creating a cityscape - all the buildings etc. - than actually playing with it!