There has been a bit in the news on medium density housing in the last few years, probably along with some confusion as to what it is. Here, we clarify what it is and suggest some of the benefits of embracing it in the cities of Aotearoa.
All in Jargon
There has been a bit in the news on medium density housing in the last few years, probably along with some confusion as to what it is. Here, we clarify what it is and suggest some of the benefits of embracing it in the cities of Aotearoa.
Sustainability is at the forefront of many people’s minds in all areas of innovation right now, not least in architecture and construction. So, what is “sustainability” and how do we achieve it in architectural design?
There is a bit of a misconception out there that the term Passive House relates to detached housing, but it's so much more than that. The Passive House standard is in fact applicable to all building types.