All tagged passive building
What makes a great urban space? Vitality, activity, scenery, history, car prohibited areas, architecture… It's somewhere you want to be because you don't feel too insignificant in your surrounds. You want to linger there, exploring cozy nooks and taking in the sights, smells and sounds.
When it comes to window joinery you might think the only big decision to be made is around somehow matching the colour to both your cladding AND your interior walls. WRONG.
Other frame types such as uPVC and timber typically outperform aluminium thermally, while there are also many options in glazing - clear or tinted, low-e, and gas infill - which all alter the thermal performance of the windows.
Lets have a look at some of the options available and the pros and cons of each.
May 2023 has brought along with it a significant update for the residential insulation standards in New Zealand. The new H1 compliance that was effective 4 August 2022 is almost completely in force. What that means for us in the lower North Island is…
When it comes to commercial buildings the developers and the end users can often be on opposite sides of the equation, but high performing commercial builds are better for everyone. Here's 5 ways that Passive House works both for developers and occupants.
What if we could do more with the same resource, or perhaps even less? Could we get a more comfortable, quieter, healthier high performance building with the same amount of electricity? Simply put the answer is yes.
There is a bit of a misconception out there that the term Passive House relates to detached housing, but it's so much more than that. The Passive House standard is in fact applicable to all building types.